Family Violence: What You Need to Know

Family violence is a very serious issue for many families going through separation. The Family Law Act addresses family violence as it relates to at risk family members. The Act requires lawyers, mediators, and the courts to be careful to take these issues into account when working with families.

Family violence is more than just physical violence between two adults. It extends to children as well. It can consist of many forms, among them physical, emotional, and financial. All are serious in the eyes of the court. They affect issues of parenting and can impact other areas of the case, as well.

A history of family violence can impact both spouses and children. Violence between your and your spouse affects communication between you. There is commonly a direct effect on your ability to negotiate a settlement when you are the victim of family violence.

If you are experiencing family violence, it is important to get help. The police, your doctor, a counsellor, friends and family, and other professionals are all available to assist. If you are in fear for your life, safety, or the safety of others in your home, call 911.

The lawyers at South Coast Law Group have experience in navigating family law cases that involve violence. We can assist in obtaining protection orders, conduct orders, exclusive occupation of the home, and other necessary orders. We can help you remove yourself from a difficult situation and help you move forward safely. Your initial consultation is private, confidential, free, and without obligation. We listen.


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